First Month Funded!

I’m stunned by the response from all of you over the last few weeks. You’ve raised over $650 in cash donations and purchased the vast majority of my most needed items from my Amazon wish list. I’m absolutely floored. Thank you SO much! You’ve funded my first month of college! I so appreciate your ongoing support, care, and personal interest. I’m so excited to arrive at my university with my expenses so well taken care of. Thank you to each and every one of you for making this happen.

All future donations will help to cover the remainder of my first semester’s expenses. See my Donate page or my Amazon wish list.
Thank you again.

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4 responses to “First Month Funded!”

  1. skinnyhobbit says :

    Education is so important for opportunities in life. You’re a fighter and people admire that. 🙂

    • thepathwaymaker says :

      Thank you so much:) I’m sorry I’ve been so slow to reply. I’ve been dealing with pretty high stress levels as I’ve been adjusting to university-life. Keep me in your thoughts:)

      • skinnyhobbit says :

        No worries, university-life must be hectic and stressful. 🙂 You can do it! You’ve supporters cheering you on 🙂 Take care!

  2. thepathwaymaker says :

    Thank you so much:) I really appreciate the encouragement!

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